
The Power to Resist! Sunday Service 02/02/2025

Wednesday Service 01/29/2025

God supplies! 01/29/2025

I have Jesus- I have everything! 01/28/2025

The Vision of wine barrels!

I had a Vision - WIne Barrels! Sunday Service 01-26-2025

The Power of Serving - Wednesday 01-22-2025

Because God Said! Sunday Service 01-19-2025

Give to God What is His! - Wednesday Service 01-15-2025

God= fixed! 01-14-2025

Grateful= more of! Sunday Service 1-12-2025

It''s already done! 1-8-2025 Wednesday Service

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Jesus goes with me wherever I go! 1-7-2025

Jesus already done it! Sunday Morning Service 1-5-2025

The 1st day- 1st service of 2025! Wednesday Service 1-1-2025

Thanks to church members! 12-31-24!

Our words give life and create! Sunday Service 12/29/24

Lets celebrate Jesus together! Sunday Service 12/22/24

Assoc. Pastor Petra Ferrer - Wednesday Service 12/18/24

If you know me, you should know Jesus! 12/17/24

God says vengeance is mine! Sunday Service 12/15/24

God will do it because of you! Sunday Service 12/8/24

Assoc. Pastor Juan Deleon - Wed. Service 12/4/24

Join us and lets partake of the Last Supper! Sunday Service 12/1/24

Give Thanks! Dar Gracias! Wed. Service 11/27/24

Food pantry Wednesday! 11/27/24

Pastora Assoc. Pertra Ferrer - Wed. Service 11/20/24

Gods will- Give thanks! 11/26/24